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Getting back into a routine - avoiding weekend pitfalls

It’s finally just about the end of the first working week of 2020. Getting back into a routine can be tiring, let alone making an effort to improve your health and fitness on top of it. You may be tired but there’s light at the end of the tunnel and #TGIF

And that’s where the first potential pitfall happens. Unlike your week days, with the weekend, structure goes out the window. Bad habits can creep back in very easily.

Be mindful of them. And not that it is a reason to have a “bad meal”, but if you do, know that one “bad meal” is not going to undo all your good work over the week. Enjoy it and get on track with the next one.

Sometimes it helps to plan it as something to look forward to. Which makes the meals leading up to it and staying on track more motivating and manageable. Me? All bets are off on Saturday night with my 49ers playing their first playoff game (last 8 knockout stages for non American football fans) in 6 years - which should explain the tank top in the photo 😂🙈🏈. Then it’s right back on track from Sunday!

Have a great weekend. Keep your goals in mind and stay patient for long term success!!

#LetsGoGetEmAgain ... and #LetsGoNiners 🙌🙌🙌