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Fitness Trends: Why they tend not to work

There's a fine line between getting out of your comfort zone to do something and jumping on to the latest hack or trend you see online or through a documentary that will help you with your fitness goals.

There is a lot of talk online about morning routines to kick start your day and things you should do to be more active. This has been a thing for a long time from fasted cardio to no breakfast, to breakfast being the most important meal of the day to morning swims for cold therapy.

On the podcast this week (Spotify HERE & Apple Podcasts HERE), I talked about trying a morning swim (well, being forced to try a morning swim) and how much I hated it. I also did a tongue in cheek Instagram post on it HERE.

There are two ways into looking at this.

1. There are so many benefits to cold therapy and sea swimming that I am just going to have to keep going, get out of my comfort zone and keep going every day until it is a routine.

2. And the least glamorous option. Ask myself: is this realistic?

Not challenging and forcing myself to get out of my comfort zone. But is it something I can realistically fit in into my schedule every day of the week?

And the truth is, starting work at 6 am on some mornings of the week, combined with currently living 35-40 mins from the sea (and longer now with all the traffic on the road this morning!), it is something I can’t, and don’t want to continue doing.

A problem with a lot of training plans and these lifestyle "hacks" (nothing on morning sea swimming, it is actually fantastic for a lot of people who do it daily and do it right!) is that they immediately jump into the next trend without looking at the basics.

Before you find yourself programme hoping to the newest trend, ask yourself, are you working on the basics:

1. Getting 7-9 hours of sleep a night
2. Training 2-4 times a week
3. Eating nutrient-dense food 80% of the time
4. Getting enough water in a day
5. Managing your stress.

Because if you are not doing all 5 of these things, it doesn't matter what programme you are on, you will not get the benefits!

Now if you feel what is holding you back from achieving your health and fitness goals is that you are too busy, work unsociable hours or can't get into a routine with training because you do not know where to start, that's where online coaching can become a great help for you.

Get structure to your training and get put on the fast track towards your health and fitness goals!

Sign up today by clicking the link below:

Unlike other coaching programmes, we structure the training around your lifestyle and aim to build up your training and fitness towards your goals based on your current fitness levels and where you want to be.
For this week only, you can get a 20% discount on our 6 Week Online Personal Training Course by using the discount code EMAILSEPT2021 when you sign up today.

That discount code will expire next Sunday, September 26th. So, to take advantage and get one of our coaches working on your programme today, use the EMAILSEPT2021 and click on the link below to sign up:
