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Our Free Online Running Group

If there’s anyone interested in running but feels like they’re missing out with no running groups or races to set goals, add yourself to this group. We’re going to have 3 different runs each week to keep you motivated for your goals.

Also, the main reason is that everyone should be running by themselves. If you are in an area where you can’t run with social distancing then don’t do it.

I find short runs can help so much right now with physical and mental health. But not if we are breaking social distancing right now.

With our Any Given Runday Official Marathon challenge being put on hold, along with all running clubs and events, the 4 of us thought we’d set up a little running community challenge to keep us motivated and healthy.

First and foremost, this challenge is set up to adhere to social distancing. So that might mean running a little earlier in the morning or later when it gets brighter. The main thing is to keep that social distance because what’s the point in keeping healthy and fit if it means we are jeopardizing our health. So don’t run with others or busy parks. Run in your own time, in your own space.

We’ve broken down the challenges into a 5km Monday, Interval Wednesday and Long Run weekend. Check out the link below to get into the Facebook Community and get involved today

I talked a little more about this after my interval run today here:
