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Planning Runs with Social Distancing and 2km Radius

Planning my own little running loop while staying in the 2km radius. Easy to do with the link below:

Also, planning distances with this link:

And, obviously, stay at least 2m from people you might see on the road. If you’re in a built up area, it might mean getting that run/walk in at more unusual hours. But, however you get your exercise in, you should try to exercise as long as you are remaining safe.

Stay safe! We’ll all get through this stronger than ever. To help with motivation, we have set up a free online running group with Any Given Runday. We’ve broken down the challenges into a 5km Monday, Interval Wednesday and Long Run weekend. Check out the link below to get into the Facebook Community and get involved today


2km radius planning a run social distancing staying motivated online running group free at home