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Incline Treadmill Session

My backside is definitely weaker than my front... actually, let me rephrase that. My calves, hamstrings and lower back are my main issues when it comes to running, particularly my calves which are the first to really feel it.

My runners, cheers RunHub in Ashtown, have a slight heel lift for my calves. I do incorporate strength and mobility for them as well but I find that I need to work on them more while running.

That’s where the treadmill comes into it for me. Now if I had to pick between outdoor running and treadmill, it’s the good ole outdoors any day (well, almost any day). But there are two benefits I like from the treadmill. Setting a pace and incline running.

I find gradually increasing the incline, challenges my calves and lower back but eases them into the run at a steady pace rather than the unpredictability of the outdoor inclines and trying to keep pace without over doing it.

Today’s session: Starting at 9.5kph, I increased the incline to 1% after 10m and then up 0.5% every 10m until I got to 12.5% and 2.5km in. After that it was down 0.5% (although you’re still on an incline!) until I got back to the bottom (skipping 0.5% at the end again). Because of the gradual incline on the way up, my legs felt stronger on the way down and I was able to increase the pace as I got closer to the finish!

treadmill marathon speed hill training session jerry rice hillrun workout sweat indoor running

Give it a try but leave the cotton t-shirt at home 😂🙈
