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Is Resistance Training the best form of training for women to lose body fat, being fitter and more healthy?

Is Resistance Training the best form of training for women to lose body fat, being fitter and more healthy?

While it is true that women will not be more bulky with weight training, is it as effective as cardio for losing body fat, being fitter and more healthy? Looking at the research behind the fitness memes claims as well as the history or our class progression at Booty Camp in Dublin 15

The Internet and Fitness. Not exactly the Perfect match

The Internet and Fitness. Not exactly the Perfect match

There's a lot of information online about fitness. A quick story on my own dealings with people hell bent on their ways and what I feel is the best approach to your fitness

5 ways to reduce Muscle Soreness after Training

5 ways to reduce Muscle Soreness after Training

We've all experienced muscle soreness after a session. Known as Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness, why do we get it and, more importantly for any of us that have struggled sitting down after a leg day, how do we reduce it's effects?!

Magnesium: The most underrated supplement that you should be taking?

Magnesium: The most underrated supplement that you should be taking?

After listening to a recent episode of Joe DeFranco's 'Industrial Strength Show", I decided to follow up and investigate his claim on how undervalued Magnesium is, the incredible benefits of Magnesium and whether or not a large portion of us are deficient in it.

Combating Lower Back Pain

Combating Lower Back Pain

When we get lower back pain, the inclination is to rest until you’re 100% healthy. But there are certain exercises you can do to help strengthen your lower back and ease the pain in some cases that you should be performing, unless your doctor tells you otherwise. By not doing anything at all for your lower back, the muscles will remain weak and you will be susceptible to more injury. The stretches and exercises in this blog should be done slowly and pain free.